
My wife and I are the perfect kind of travelers. We are big time foodies who love to explore, indulge in new cultures, and at the same time, have maximum fun. Our anniversary celebration trip to Thailand was a testimony to this spirit and I am glad to say, we loved every moment of it.

Thailand was chosen for its picturesque locations, breathtaking nature, and touristy feel. The pictures of its islands that we saw on the internet mesmerized us and by the time, we had finished looking at all of them, we had already made up our mind. was referred by a friend and thankfully with them, we did not have to make much effort regarding our package and itinerary since they offered to personalize. After filling in some basic info and We received many quotes and itineraries from their agents on board and ultimately finalized one from “Travel Troops Global Pvt Ltd”.

Our romantic Thailand package details:

Duration: 5 Nights 6 Days
Cost: INR 95,397
Inclusions: Flights, Hotels, Breakfast, Transfers, & Sightseeing
Exclusions: Sightseeing done on our own and all paid activities that were not part of our package

Day 1: Hello Phuket

We boarded our flight from Bangalore (Air Asia), reached Don Muang, Bangkok (connecting flight), from where we finally arrived in Phuket. Upon our arrival in Phuket, we were transferred to Patong beach and area where our hotel was booked.

Here, after check in, we rested for a while before going out for some sightseeing and food tasting on our own. We explored the streets on our own and indulged in some really delicious seafood and desserts which included local delicacies, banana pancakes, sticky rice with mango pudding, and a whole lot of fish.

Needless to say, we were in heaven!

Day 2: Phi Phi Island tour by big boat

couple in phi phi

phi phi island tour

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We were to do the Phi Phi island tour (as part of our itinerary) today, and in the morning after breakfast, we were picked up for the same.

island tour of phi phi

phi phi tour in thailand

This was an amazing tour where out of the seven extremely beautiful islands in the tour, we visited four. The waters were crystal clear, the views, fantastic, and the whole experience, superb! During the tour, we also stopped at a place where we could snorkel and swim, which was once again fantastic.

phi phi island nature

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Later, we returned to the land and visited Patong beach and a very famous market called the Bangla road which had a lot of interesting places and things to buy.

Day 3: Off to Krabi

Today in the morning after breakfast, we checked out of our hotel and proceeded for Krabi. Since my wife and I wanted a road journey to the destination, we had chosen a cab as our mode of transport.

Upon our arrival, we were once again greeted with mesmerizing beauty and views straight out of paradise. After our check in at the hotel, we once again, relaxed for a while and then ventured out on our own to explore and of course, eat!

Just like Phuket, we went to the main street in Krabi and indulged in local food. The localities that we saw there were also nice and later on, we even visited a mall. As expected, there were a lot of places to chill here and we did have a great time shopping and eating.

One thing that I would like to mention is that during all of our local sightseeing, our main mode of transport was the tuk-tuk ride (a modified autorickshaw) and we had a good time traveling in it.

Day 4: Four Island tour in Krabi

krabi island tour

ko poda in krabi

One difference between the island tour in Phuket with this one was that here we stopped at the islands for half hour, explored its beaches, and hence, could enjoy much more. Among the four island that we visited, one of the best ones was the Chicken Island whose shape resembled the head of a chicken and was extremely beautiful.

krabi island tours

krabi four island tour

Another one from the same tour was the Ko Poda Island where we could clearly see 4 different shades of water. To be honest, it was truly surreal!

krabi island visit thailand

tup island in krabi

couple in krabi island

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Later, back at the hotel, after resting for a while, we once again ventured out to explore the streets of Krabi and this time even tried the famous coconut ice cream (it was delicious!).

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Real honeymooners. Real stays. Real opinions to help you make the right choice.




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