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Tourism Malaysia participated at the Borsa Internazionale del Turismo (BIT) from February 12-14 in Milan this year, presenting Malaysia’s strong identity as a sustainable destination.

The delegation was led by Mohamad Libra Lee Haniff, director of Tourism Malaysia Paris Office and for the markets of Italy, Spain and Portugal, who also hosted Malaysia Airlines, Berjaya Hotels & Resorts, The Taaras Redang, and Lotus Asia Tours as co-exhibitors.

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Tourism Malaysia shared at BIT 2023 the new experiences and products that the country has to offer

Participating in BIT 2023 enabled Tourism Malaysia to network with operators and others in the industry to share new experiences and products that the country has to offer in this new era of tourism after the pandemic.

With a well-defined post-Covid strategy focused on nature tourism, sustainable tourism and slow travel for travellers interested to discover this South-east Asian country, Malaysia will showcase highlights to encourage Italian tourists to travel to the destination.

“Malaysia (is) a perfect country for sustainable tourism development. Many regions in the country offer an authentic ecotourism experience, such as the state of Sabah, with the Sepilok Orangutan Sanctuary, Sarawak and Mulu National Park,” said Zainuddin Abdul Wahab, director general of Tourism Malaysia.

He added: “Malaysia is also a country full of culture, where living the community experience with their locals is possible in some areas, thanks to the Malaysia Homestay Programme to support local communities.”

Tourism Malaysia’s promotion campaign will continue to boost inbound tourism and aims to achieve 15.6 million international tourist arrivals with 47.6 billion ringgit (US$10.8 billion) in tourism receipts for 2023.

As of October 2022, Malaysia has received 14,998 visitors from Italy.

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