
Countries to further work together in areas like biotech, space sciences, advanced manufacturing

PUTRAJAYA – Malaysia and Spain have inked a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation in the field of science, technology and innovation, the Science, Technology, and Innovation Ministry (Mosti) said in a statement.

The ministry said the major thrust of the MoU is to promote mutually beneficial cooperation between both countries in the areas of joint research and development, exchange of expertise, joint scientific conferences, common utilisation of scientific facilities, and any other areas of cooperation within the framework of the MoU.

The MoU, signed by Mosti minister Chang Lih Kang and Spain’s Science and Innovation Ministry Secretary-General for Research Raquel Yotti, will serve as a catalyst for cooperation in science and technology as well as forging a closer bilateral relationship towards economic advancement.

“With the signing of the MoU, both countries are ready to explore further cooperation and collaboration in the areas of science, technology, and innovation – including biotechnology, space sciences, materials, and advanced manufacturing,” read the statement.

Mosti said one of the successful programmes to signify the synergy of collaboration between Malaysia and Spain is the Malaysia Spain Innovating Programme (Mysip).

Mysip is a joint programme between the Malaysian Industry-Government Group for High Technology – or MIGHT, an agency under Mosti – Malaysia’s Higher Education Ministry, and Spain’s Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology.

“Mysip allows for the exploration of new business opportunities through strong industrial research and development partnership towards commercialisation, as well as business-led research and development and innovation collaborative projects between entities, including start-ups from both countries,” it said.

– Bernama, March 3, 2023

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