Todd Hayen
I don’t know about you, but I am flooded with emails that are touting some miracle cure for the two male issues pointed out in the title above and a multiplicity of other such “miracles.”
The title suggests things men might be more interested in (ya think?) but women are not forgotten in such ubiquitous appeals: “Miracle Weight Loss Program,” “Breast Enlargement with no Surgery,” “Skin Product to Make You 30 Years Younger” (sorry ladies, the things that attract a majority of you are just as much surface concerns as small phalluses and bald heads are for men.)
When I was a naive youngster I often would “look” at what these claims had to say (not necessarily the ones in the title, but similar ones). It didn’t take long for me to come to the conclusion they were “Snake Oil Salesmen” in nature. Now, in my advanced years, I may still, much to my ultimate dismay, check out something like, “No More Kidney Stones!” or “Eat this Miracle Food and Say Goodbye to High Blood Pressure.”
In fact, now that I know what I know as a wise old man, I have a bit of renewed faith in these sorts of claims made off the beaten path of Big Pharma. But there are still a lot of Snake Oil Salesmen out there. What to do? I don’t rightly know.
However, today the tables are turned. The Snake Oil Salesmen are the Faucis, the Walenskis, and the Bourlas, et al. What to do? I still don’t rightly know.
But I’ll take a stab at it. First off, look at how sensational the claims are. Nothing is 100% effective, or 100% safe. If we are being sold a product that claims anything of the sort, we can be pretty sure there is something shady going on. Hmmm. So does that mean that referring to the Covid vaccine as “safe and effective” a sensational claim? Is, “get vaccinated and you won’t get Covid” sensational? I think so, do you? The old adage, “it’s too good to be true” is pretty accurate. And that isn’t good because it is very sad to realize that.
In my long life this adage has rung true more often then I would like to remember. It just seems to be one of those things you can’t shake. I remember studying The Science of Mind (NOT Scientology!). In that study we often said, “it’s so good it must be true.” Believe it or not (there’s that pesky word “believe” again!) I DO believe this!
But I won’t get into that here. Maybe another time, it is complicated.
I will say in an attempt to explain, however, that an experience can be “so good it must be true.” When someone trying to deceive you makes sensational claims, more than likely being too good is a problem. “Someone trying to deceive you,” is the operative phrase here.
Let’s get back to enlarging body parts and if there really are products out there that can do what they claim and why most people are not convinced. I had a patient once who told me he had horrible experiences with kidney stones (something he and I shared). He told me once that he tried “one of the cockamamie cures” touted on the Internet. He didn’t even have to buy anything. It had something to do with eating a watermelon, or two, and a full half-gallon of Coca Cola, all the while laying in a tub of water so he could urinate at will (really?). He said it was a miracle. His stones “went away” (presumably dissolved and flushed out into the bathwater) and they never came back.
Now, I didn’t read this testimonial. I heard it directly from someone who had done it, and succeeded. Should I try it? I must admit I have not, for various reasons, floating in a bath of urine being one of them. Am I convinced it would work? Not entirely, but I don’t dismiss it completely.
How many other things like this do we all hear day in and day out? With the quickly collapsing modern, mainstream, medical establishment, it certainly seems more likely most “unaccepted medical cures” out there were actively denigrated by Big Pharma, the AMA, and their cadre of zombie doctors. Look at what they did to Ivermectin.
I will say this: I will never, ever, again take the word of Big Medicine over the word of just about anyone else out there. That doesn’t mean I believe EVERYTHING advertised is on the up and up, but damn, I sure as hell will not unconditionally say no to something just because Big Medicine said “stay away.”
When my first wife was dying of cancer twenty years ago, I was faced with a system that offered really no solutions. We were told she had six months to live, IF she followed the standard of care with chemotherapy and radiation (there was no surgical option). We couldn’t accept this prognosis and started looking for alternatives. We found a lot. But my wife was a bit more conservative than I was and opted to go with the standard treatment (albeit from a progressive doctor) with a few alternatives mixed in that didn’t “interfere” with the conventional approach.
She did beat the odds and lived another four years after her diagnosis. Who knows what the result would have been if she cut out all the chemicals and radiation. Most of the alternative approaches indicated the efficacy of that treatment would be diminished if the patient continued on those conventional, and toxic, treatments.
So during this time I really got into Rife treatment, and a handful of other “alternative cancer treatments” on par with “enlarge your ‘you know what’,” and eating watermelon in the tub. Well, I can’t be too harsh; I am still a firm believer in Rife and his amazing work. I think he was bullied as much as Burzynski was by the AMA and whatever other medical authority that was out there at the time.
This is not a casual problem. Millions die every year due to the accepted cancer standard of care. Is there anything in the alternative world that could give a better outcome? There are certainly many that claim they do. Considering what we know now you would be crazy not to believe at least a tad of what we hear—and it has been out there for quite some time, only ignored, vilified, or worse.
But there is one big reason why a lot of these things that create hope for people suffering when the conventional approach only offered hopelessness are not embraced by the masses. They don’t seem to work the majority of time. Maybe they work better than the mainstream media tell you. But it stands to reason if they DID work the majority of the time, or close to the majority of the time, the people trying them out would have a big enough voice to let the world know. Ha ha ha. Now I know better than to say something as false as that statement.
We know what is happening with the Covid vaccines, we know thousands have been saved by alternative treatments. But the world, as a majority mass, has been silent. I do believe these treatments work most of the time (Rife being one I would personally stand by) if done according to instructions, believed in, and consistently applied.
Although logic tells us there are indeed a lot of charlatans out there pushing products like the Snake Oil Salesmen of long ago pushed. Are people not as naïve as they used to be with matters like this (or at least they didn’t seem to be before Covid)? Do they demand a bit more before making a decision to use some “off the grid” miracle cure or treatment? Maybe at one point after the Victorian era they were, but now their reluctance to try “different things” is probably due to successful mainstream brainwashing—only the conventional medical establishment knows what works and doesn’t work. Right.
But now, when the mainstream medical industry starts to sell the serpent elixir themselves, and are pushing it without a lot of evidence behind its efficacy and safety, and everyone is lining up for their jab, then you start to really wonder—and worry.
I guess the mainstream medical machine all learned from the best Snake Oil Salesmen out there, the best that money could buy. Guess who they are.
Todd Hayen is a registered psychotherapist practicing in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He holds a PhD in depth psychotherapy and an MA in Consciousness Studies. He specializes in Jungian, archetypal, psychology. Todd also writes for his own substack, which you can read here