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Her Chul-ho (left), CEO of KGC Ginseng Corp., meets with Han Jun, the governor of Jilin Province, at the latter’s office on Feb. 16.

Her Chul-ho, CEO of KGC Ginseng Corp., visited Jilin, Shanghai, and Shenzhen for 10 days to discuss business cooperation with Chinese officials.

On Feb. 16 and 17, Her held talks with the governor of Jilin Province in China and the secretary of the Communist Party in Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture. At these meetings, the two sides discussed various ways to promote the use of ginseng in diverse fields such as food, dry food, medicine, and cosmetics. In particular, the Jilin governor expressed his intention to visit Korea in April.

At the meetings, Her requested the designation of red ginseng as a health functional food and the adoption of national standards on red ginseng. He also suggested that Yanbian Korean Autonomous Prefecture be designated as a national free trade zone so that foreign companies can process traditional Chinese medicines in the region.

He also emphasized the need to ease regulations related to the designation of deer antlers as a food ingredient and decided to cooperate closely with the Yanbian Prefecture government to launch Cheonnok, an antler-based health enhancement product of KGC Ginseng Corp., in China.

Her visited Jilin University and emphasized a need for joint research on the effectiveness of red ginseng against cancer and the COVID-19 virus. He requested that a large-scale clinical study be conducted on Chinese people to establish a scientific basis for the efficacy of red ginseng. At the same time, he emphasized a campaign to publicize the efficacy of red ginseng by publicizing the results of large-scale studies on ginseng.

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