
On a day when former Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan’s entourage from Lahore’s Zaman Park to an Islamabad court was in limelight, his current wife Bushra Begum was one of the top trends on social media in the South Asian nation. Shortly after Khan left his Zaman Park residence, police entered his home despite an intense standoff and clashes between police and Khan’s supporters around the property.

Khan said the police stormed his house where his wife Bushra Bibi was alone, claiming that the “assault” on his house was part of an “understanding” to bring Nawaz Sharif back to power. 

“Meanwhile Punjab police have led an assault on my house in Zaman Park where Bushra Begum is alone. Under what law are they doing this? This is part of London Plan where commitments were made to bring absconder Nawaz Sharif to power as quid pro quo for agreeing to one appointment,” Khan said in a tweet.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) shared a video of police entering Imran Khan’s house.


“They’re now trying to enter Chairman’s house where only Bushra Bibi is present. We don’t even see these kinds of acts in Martial laws!!” PTI said in a tweet.

Imran Khan’s tweet reverberated across Pakistan and people on social media were quick to react. 

Reacting to Khan’s statement, Pakistan Muslim League (Nawaz) leader, Maryam Nawaz, in a series of tweets said if there was only a woman present inside the house then who was “firing bullets and throwing petrol bombs at the police from inside?”

She also shared a purported video on her Twitter timeline in which a man can be seen throwing an explosive from the PTI chief’s Lahore residence.

“Didn’t I say that this [PTI] is a terrorist group whose leader is housing miscreants and trained terrorists in his house to avoid the law and punishment? Previously, such scenes were seen only in matters related to terrorism. Shameful!,” she added.


Many people on social media said that Bushra Bibi was caught in the crossfire between Imran Khan and his ongoing judicial uproar with the establishment. Others pointed out if she was present at all inside the house, casting doubts on Khan’s tweet itself. 

ALSO WATCH | Battle drawn between Pakistan’s army, Imran Khan

On a day when South Asian nation’s newsrooms were busy churning out latest updates on its former Prime Minister’s much-anticipated courtroom appearance, on Pakistani social media it was Khan’s wife Bushra Bibi who was much talked about. 


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