
Audrey Tang 1

Coco Bodu Hithi is set to welcome their first Relaxation Officer this February. Dr Audrey Tang is a Chartered Psychologist (British Psychological Society), and an award-winning business author with a focus on practical tools for wellbeing. She will be taking up her residency at the five-star Coco Bodu Hithi resort from 11th – 15th February.

Coco Bodu Hithi inhabits the qualities of a relaxing stay with its natural peacefulness combined with an unforgettable spa and yoga experience and a variety of amenities and exclusive services to achieve the utmost zen. “Everyone deserves the opportunity to truly unwind which is why we are glad to introduce Dr Audrey Tang as the resort’s first Relaxation Officer at our resort. Her sole responsibility at Coco Bodu Hithi is to assist visitors to have the utmost relaxing experience, leaving the island free of tension and renewed with a fresh mind-set to tackle the rest of the year” says Shafa Shabeer, the Director of Marketing for Coco Collection.

A study found that the average Brit feels stressed three times a day, and a staggering 73 percent said that they felt they were juggling too many balls. Overall, more than half of those polled agrees that January is the most stressful time of the year. To ease their stress, most Brits (39 percent) opt to take a stroll while 29 percent try to soak up some sunshine. 16 percent of participants said the sound of waves breaking on a beach relaxes them, and 9 percent say you can’t beat a swim in the sea when feeling stressed.

“People have been under an increasing amount of stress over the years, from navigating through a pandemic to managing the current economic state. Relaxing is extremely important, and we often underestimate how vital it is to ensure we lead healthy and fulfilled lives, which is why working on such a picturesque island like Coco Bodu Hithi is such a dream job for me. There is an array of health benefits to relaxation such as lowered blood pressure, improved digestion, reduced muscle tension and many more. With the huge variation in fresh produce coupled with the idyllic island, Coco Bodu Hithi offers guests the perfect combination of sun, sea, and sand to help guests unwind,” says Dr. Tang.

In her position as the Relaxation Officer, Dr Tang will be aiding guests to fully unwind and de-stress through mindful activities such as guided barefoot walks, affirmations and intention setting, and positive psychology workshops with guests and associates.



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