
For the first time, the Hilton Worldwide brand plans to expand into the economy side of the market with Spark by Hilton. The new brand idea is centred around an easy-to-maintain concept, providing basic amenities at 85-100 dollars a night.

Hilton takes on Marriott International, Choice, and InterContinental Hotels Group in the competitive market, designing minimalistic rooms to attract travellers looking for a quick accommodation alternative. The Spark by Hilton pitch is aimed at developers and other hotel investors.

Matt Schuyler, Hilton’s Chief Brand Officer, stated the inconsistencies and space for development within this hospitality area.

“If you’re willing to go through conversion for just a bit of time, the long-term development play here is that you’ll elongate the life of the property and command a higher occupancy and a more premium rate thanks to the Hilton demand engine, coupled with a clean and safe and reliable hotel structure that we’ve streamlined.”

The minimal designs include a bathroom with a basic sink, mirror, and shower stall and a bed with wall-mounted nightstands coupled with a clothing bureau, T.V., and table that can bend and extend for multiple purposes.

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“We did a massive amount of studying of consumer sentiment and behaviour to get inside the minds of travellers today, Schyler detailed. “Roughly 870 percent of the travellers we talked to said they had occasions to use an economy brand.”

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